Ruse Tavern Multiple Lottery Terms & Conditions
- The Promotion period will commence 11th May 2016 and will cease 5pm 2nd July 2016.
- Entry will be eligible to members purchasing a XXXX Gold in the bar whilst using their loyalty card.
- Entrants must be 18 years and over, and comply with specific entry details.
- The lottery will be drawn at Ruse Tavern by means of the in house point of sale system’s loyalty function or jackpot function.
- The lottery will be drawn at 5pm 2nd July 2016, and the winner announced by public address and contacted via their details recorded.
- We reserve the right to publish the winners name and photo for publicity purposes, and notification to the clientele of the outcome of each individual lottery.
- Upon delivery of the specific prize, Ruse Tavern and any other business associated with the promotion will no longer have any responsibility for the prize. Any insurance’s or other costs outside of the specific terms will be the responsibility of the winner.
- Every three months, there will be a redraw for any unclaimed prizes.
- The prize is a 60L Fridge Freezer valued at $999. All prizes issued during the lotteries will be within the parameters of the trade promotion lottery guidelines.
- Individual prizes will not exceed $1,000.00 and total prizes during the period of the permit will not exceed $100,000.00.